Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You can call her the Cueca Queen...

We went to the ward party on Saturday to celebrate the 11th and had our first chance to show off our Cueca skills. I uploaded a video of Paige dancing the Cueca in the ward competition. She ended up showing us all up by coming in second in the competition. Way to go Paige!!!

*DISCLAIMER*- Paige just wants everyone to know that the video I posted was more of a practice round and not the real competition.


  1. Is that DAVE dancing with Paige? Funny!

    Oh, and as a side note "Cuecas" look like the Portuguese word for "underwear," so I thought they were waving underwear above their heads at first.

  2. OK, Joel... we watched the video again, imagining that the handkerchiefs were really underwear and we laughed our heads off... what a provocative dance!


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