Story time.... It was late at night by the time we finally left Santiago to venture down to
Chillan and see our new home for the next month. After some crazy taco’s (traffic jams) in Santiago we finally made it onto the highway that heads south to
Chillan. After our fiftieth bathroom stop we were driving along minding our own business when Jamie looks out her back seat window and says something to the effect of “look at that” (sorry if I misquoted you Jamie). Well, I looked out her window and had the strangest experience. It looked like a television screen was following our car and was playing right outside Jamie’s window. After all of us trying to process in our brains what our eyes were seeing we finally figured out that it was a train running right next to our road. The windows all seemed enlarged and we could see the people in the train as if they were just a little ways away from our car. Well, after that experience of course we really wanted to take the creepy train back to Santiago! When we bought our tickets there was a poster by the ticket window at the train station advertising the train. This ad showed some young adults all having a great time playing
Uno on the train at one of the two table in the car. Naturally we asked for a table seat and went and bought the game
Uno. I would definitely recommend the train as a means of travel if we had passenger trains here. We played our
Uno and made a few friends on the train. It was a very fun, relaxing ride.
Us on our creepy train at our table
Gotta love Uno
Mercedes and family waited on the station platform until we left.
When the train took off Mercedes and Francisca chased after it waving goodbye like in the movies!
Oh, the creepy train! Be glad I didn't crash the car while trying to figure out why a huge tv was following us:) I'm so glad you were able to get a table. And Uno.